Monday, August 16, 2010

Bento and Smoothie of the Day - August 16, 2010

Bento for the kid - August 16, 2010

I probably won't post my daughter's bento every day - as of right now, they don't vary very often. Today she has mandarin oranges (in a cupcake liner from a batch I bought at Target after Valentine's Day), banana pieces, string cheese, Snapea crisps (one of her favorite things), and a few Annie's cheddar bunnies in the bento box (from Cooking for Monkeys), and pasta in the lunch jar. (I prep the jar each morning with boiling water so the hot food will stay hot.) She also has a cereal bar, not shown.

Smoothie before...
Smoothie before, in the Vitamix. Almond milk, partially-frozen half banana (the other half is in the bento above - I cut the banana in half every morning and toss my half in the freezer to make a smoothie when I get home from preschool dropoff), frozen berry blend from Trader Joe's, frozen organic strawberries from Trader Joe's, frozen spinach, and flax seeds.

Smoothie after!
Zooooom! All mushed up into one delightful smoothie. No leftovers for popsicles this morning.

Today we finally picked up a handicapped-parking hang tag for our car. Finally, we'll be able to park closer to the preschool (and other places) so we don't have to go as far while carrying the kid and all of her gear, including her walker. That will be nice.

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